Saturday, August 02, 2008

Changing or Unchanging - Let Me Try Again

I am convinced my point didn't come across last time.

I don't think my beliefs should not change. I can't even come close to perfect knowledge of God.

What I am guilty of and what I think the Church is guilty of is blatantly telling others that our beliefs are right. We are so proud of ourselves and so full of ourselves.

Of course, with our mouths, we say we don't have God figured out and we know beliefs change. However, with the way we try to convince others that some or all of our particular beliefs are correct, our true feelings and true pride in ourselves shows through.

Even when others point that out to us, we have a hard time admitting it. We want to be able to say we know God. I think we can know God but have to admit we have no clue about his immensity.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Changing or Unchanging?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

My beliefs change.

Each time, I try to convince others of what I believe. I

If my beliefs regarding a never changing God change, what makes me think I am even in the ballpark with my beliefs?

Friday, June 27, 2008

In context or out?

James 4:17 Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

I often know the right thing to do and don't do it. I am a sinner.

When I habitually ignore the right thing to do, what does that make me?

I will explain more later . . . perhaps.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Great Quote

It doesn't matter what happens to you, it matters what happens in you.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Experience is a great teacher, correct??

Why do we rely on our own experiences? Why is it we can't learn from others and their experiences? Why are we so hung up on ourselves? Why are we so selfish?

I wish I could get people to listen to some of my bad experiences before they choose to go down a path that is disgusting.

How can I teach others from my own experiences?

Why can't I get over myself and learn from other's experiences?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

I really miss my Dad today. I can see his smile, I can hear his laugh.

I cried several times. Not bad cries, just sad cries.

Danna and I talked about really missing him today.

I got a great, great card from my son today along with many great hugs and some great I love yous.

I cried - a good cry.

I got a card from a special young lady who encouraged me greatly about my son and being his Dad.

I cried again - a good cry.

God always has a great way of making me feel warm and loved.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sad But True

I read this quote this afternoon describing Jesus' church.

The reason it is true is because it describes me.

". . . the hands and feet of the body of Christ have been amputated, and we've been pretty much reduced to a big mouth."

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have often been frustrated with the sense that one "arrives" . . . be that when baptized, saved, etc.

I recently got a new Bible and switched versions to the NASB. I had a list of preferences, which included "non-reference". I saw something the other day which made me grateful I had the references.

Colossians 3:10 . . . and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him--

The reference indicated a better English word for renewed was "renovated". For some reason, that really provided a great mental picture. It is a makeover, a changing, a journey. My goal is to be constantly allowing God to renovate me with the goal of that true knowledge - in his image.

Acheivable goal here on earth? I used to think no. A recent read of The Shack gave me pause when thinking of Jesus as fully human. He was fully human and allowed the renovation to bring him to that true knowledge.

I am in need of much renovation. There is a blueprint to follow!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Restoration Movement

Anyone who knows me knows I am quick to share my opinion, as unlearned as it is. I may be totally off base with my thoughts. . .

I am convinced the restoration movement, as I know it, has and continues to miss the point. I often hear about us wanting to "be like the first century church".

Why do we have that as a goal?

Why were the letters written to the early church which are a large part of the New Testament? Because the first century church was a MESS!!! Guess what, we are just like the first century church. We are a mess too!!

The goal of the restoration movement should be to restore ourselves to Jesus. We need to do that EVERYDAY, individually and collectively as Jesus' flawed body.

We need a better goal. We NEED Jesus!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Religious Discrimination

I am confident that Jesus is not a proponent of discrimination. I don't think it fits well in the "love God, love your neighbor" realm.

I also believe that religion creates people who discriminate (encourages them to discriminate). Sometimes against those of other faith; sometimes against those of similar faith but with a different label; sometimes against those with the same faith label but different viewpoints. Sometimes against those considered "sinners".

Arrogance and discrimination seem to go together. Arrogance and religion seem to go together also.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Faith and Growth

Do you grow out of the faith you have or do you grow into your faith?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Theory versus Practice

I can talk a good game. I can talk about my opinions on Bible verses and contexts. I can talk about "Love God" and "Love Your Neighbor".

I stink at practice.