Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Work Out Your Own Salvation?

I don't think going it alone in trying to become transformed into the image of Christ is a good idea.

Following the crowd is not a great idea either.

So how and why is it important to work out your own salvation?

I guess the first reason is because the Bible says so (Philippians 2). I think the other reason is that ultimately, I am going to be judged as an individual. From what I understand, the judgement discussed in Matthew 25 is an individual judgement. What did I do in this life for other people? How did I show my love for God by taking care of my neighbor?

Have you ever thought about your neighbor as a very legalistic religious organization in which you might find yourself? Am I supposed to love them? Take a look at Matthew 23:1-3.

1Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. 3So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

I had never focused on the first sentence of verse 3 before. I must confess past sins of hammering organizations and doctrines. I must repent.

I also think the rest of verse 3 is key for individuals in any religious organization. Am I doing what the organization says I need to do or am I doing what I feel I need to be doing? Am I looking to what Jesus says he is going to judge me on as an individual?

It seems to me to be very dangerous if I was to think that my association with a religious organization who has convinced me they have the right answers guarantees my salvation and prohibits others. What if I don't take care of others? What if I don't love my neighbor?

I think I need to respect and love people in such organizations, associate myself with people who will help me and hold me accountable on my transformation journey and work out my own salvation by doing what Jesus said for my neighbor. That is a challenge!!!

Thank you Jesus for grace, but am I relying on that to cover over my selfishness in all too often ignoring my neighbor?

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Just read your blog and then went to Heather's....what a coincidence! And I gotta love your wife ! "There's a plan!" Love you guys!